That whales walk at whiles


Gyuchul MOON
Sunjeong HWANG


The media installation <That whales walk at whiles> creates a unique rhythm though the harmony of girders of Amsa that has been preserved for hundreds of years and the movement of laser light intersecting material and non-material. The movement of light, which changes in real time, invokes a simultaneous view of the inside and outside where the temporality fixed on one axis has disappeared, creating a gap between the virtual and the real, generating a new point of view that connects the present and the past. This work, which creates an infinite sense with the trace of time and light emitted by an old tree, proposes an 'experience of space- time' as a living organism presenting in that space.


oOps.50656 is the Seoul based audiovisual and new media art collective consisting of Moon Gyuchul and Hwang Sunjeong. "oOps", the acronym of "organic-Operators) connects human-nature-sciencetechnology organically as the organic-Operators, they presented AV performance, Interactive Installation, and New Media Art Projects using algorithmic composition, contemporary computing technologies. oOps.50656 presents the poetic moment of new media through real-time Generative art and AV performance and interdisciplinary projects. oOps.50656 continued collaboration with dancers, poets, scientists, movements, artistic activism, and various related studies. Recently they announced works in <Mutek 2020, JP+MX>, <Prectxe2020>, <Walkland2020>, <WeSA2019> and <Paradise art lab 2022>.

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