Current: Volumetric Cinema and Participatory Design 3D


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In an increasingly digitised age, how can we bring inclusivity into spatial design and how can individuals represent themselves in such spaces? This highlights the relationship between environmental sensing and human representations. Inspired by methods of volumetric cinema, The Current Team produced a 12-min immersive film to reconstruct headline events in 2019.

A pipeline with XR and AI tools was designed to help automate and democratise volumetric cinema production, which is constantly updated with new opensource tools. This inspired series of free+open-to-all participatory workshops worldwide that focus on sharing knowledge of digital tools with citizens to co-create future vision(s) and diversify data representations. The team will showcase both its initial prototype and selected workshop outcome from Hong Kong, Madrid, and Futurly.

#ParticipatoryDesign is a design method that actively involves stakeholders in design processes to ensure outcomes align with users’ interests. PD considers citizens not as passive consumers of services, but active contributors in the daily life of cities. The use of technologies may enhance the immersiveness and affective experiences of mass communication.

#ExtendedRealities refers to immersive technologies that bring together physical + digital environments, including VR, AR, and MR. Participants work with XR as co-creation tools to show their vision of the future. By mapping point-of-views together, XR may help to create not simply spatial designs, but volumetric happenings.

#ArtificialIntelligence Current focuses on the use of neural networks in an increasingly 3-Dimensional, seamless media environment. With emerging trends in metaverse, omniverse, and digital humans, it looks at how 3D data can be synthesised and automated as scalable workflows.

#sustainableHabitats summarise the array of resources - physical, social, economical, and cultural - that sustain communities. Through co-design processes, we collaborate with local communities and social enterprises to develop with participants a critical understanding.


‘Current’ is a collaborative digital practice driven by an interest in the reciprocal relationships between virtual and physical spaces. Through the medium of volumetric cinema, ‘Current’ delineates the multiplicity of futures in the attention economy and its material manifestation.

An interdisciplinary, intercultural collective based in China/Russia/Europe/UK/USA, we are a team of architects, researchers, artists, CG animators, engineers, data-analysts, and programmers working at the intersection of art, science and technology.

‘The Current Team’ denotes its broader network of Creative Commons - we experiment first-hand with digital technologies that are readily available to any individuals, designing distributive pipelines to support a ‘collaborative intelligence’ - the democratisation of intelligent tools into a crowdsourced, problemsolving network. ‘Current’ has exhibited and taught worldwide, including Rijksmuseum Twenthe, UABB 2022, The Bartlett UCL, GOGBOT festival, CultureHub LA, UCLA Sci | Art Lab, SUPERCOLLIDER Gallery, and more.

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